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Speaking! A Gig I also Enjoy

Just a mere few days ago, influencer and entrepreneur Naomi Simson opined a piece on this very platform – on a topic close to my professional heart – “speaking”. Entitled “Speaking: It’s a Gig I Enjoy” (, there was an instant resonance with my own career and personal interests. Having been an active educator and speaker since late teens (I started damn early, at 18, as a University Tutor), I was drawn to her article, and thought it valid to put my own spin on why I am still active in the speaking circuit, be it formal or somewhat on a more casual basis.

I have spoken in groups of less than five right through to gatherings of over 1000 people at a time. The scariest is speaking in a room of less than ten people. But that too, becomes the most invigorating. Throughout my career I have tutored, lectured, presented to, and spoken at a huge range of people in a wider range of settings. And I love it. “Sharing is caring” – but it is also our responsibility to pass on ideas, knowledge, and start conversations with others. I remember 25+ years ago, gunning into the room with the “fake it until you make it” mentality – something which served me well in my early career (along with my sheer determination to perform) and over time going from strength to strength and confidence to confidence. My topics have evolved – laterally and vertically over the years, but they still circle back to common themes – growth, change, development, communication, and progress.

Today, I speak mostly on Crisis Communications and Planning – an area I was thrust into because of client need. It led to a sustained interest, and opportunities to refine my craft. I also speak on Stakeholder Engagement, Cultural Alignment, and Change – all topics which through the years have been central to my career path and the positions I have tackled, embraced, and succeeded at. And enjoyed! For the challenge is as much my own, as it is others’.

I am not a Fortune 500 CEO or distinguished Professor; but I have had an amazing opportunity to champion a number of SME’s over the last quarter century and show just how relevant they are to the world – be it in Education or the broader Services sector. The role of College Principal is no different to Consultancy CEO or Managing Director – same skills, different job title and office.

These experiences that I was entrusted with grew me as a professional, but more than that, they grew me as a speaker. Tapping into these experiences give relatable and practical stories to share, to debate, to learn from, and to use to inform best practice opportunities from others. Experience is the best teacher.


Storytelling comes naturally. It is simply sharing, motivating, encouraging, and ‘turning on someone else’s lightbulb’. Storytelling is a natural experience – from the days of caveman etching stories into cave walls, or grunting around the fire, to corporate leaders chanting business mantra in mass conferences with thousands of attendees and followers. For me, storytelling is helping others to embed my experience and understanding into their decision process. It is about extending horizons, challenging individual’s status quo, and being a devil’s advocate to facilitate personal (and professional growth). It is awe-inspiring to tell stories – and to see that “lightbulb moment” (or moments) in people as they can relate my thoughts to their current situation. Be it validation of their thinking, or growth opportunities, the purpose has been met – to influence someone else’s progress.

As a CEO / MD / Principal, I am constantly telling stories. Stories to shape behavior, stories to lift spirits, stories to encourage divergent or disruptive thinking, stories to challenge or solidify peoples current understanding or resolve on matters. This comes naturally, whether it be in a formal setting (classroom, training, conference) or informal (over lunch, by the water cooler).

The Power of Influence (thanks Naomi, for the heading)

Naomi is right, anyone can be an influencer these days. Marketing practice guides us towards mass and micro influencers. But what about singular influencers – teachers, trainers, mentors, coaches, single influencers with a single (or very minute) audience. We all have that one person who made an impact, who changed our path. To all the educators out there, pat yourself on the back, because you have, and will continue to do so, influenced many lives at many different moments. For many, including yours truly, that is what it is about.

A Gig I Also Enjoy

Because great speakers, trainers, teachers do not grow on trees. Because when you have the gift to share with others, you have a social obligation to do so. And because seeing people putting their metaphorical jigsaw together in front of you is reward in itself.

As I continue to enjoy and grow on this journey of speaking, I do so knowing that from each engagement I undertake, I continue to learn more from the participants than I think they may learn from me. Each speaking opportunity is one to develop my own thoughts, as it is to help shape and expand others. Learning is lifelong; speaking is an active part of that process.

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