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Training Clients in the Art of Public Relations

When it comes to Public Relations, effective communication is key. While it may seem easy to communicate via writing, it requires a lot more than the talent to write. There is a saying that goes “it takes two to tango”. In this context, it takes the skills to write and detailed information for the agency to craft an in depth document for media houses to use. So where do these details come from? Well, the Clients. We can draft “impressive” Press Releases all we want, but without the cooperation of our Clients in terms of being provided details in a timely manner, it’s merely words (text) on paper (PDF file) to media houses.

To assist our writing, we often need our Clients to provide us with accurate information in a timely manner – which doesn't always happen; not on time at least. That is why in Orchan Consulting, we offer training opportunities for our Clients. The training does not merely demonstrate why we chase Clients for detailed information, but it helps Clients understand and execute the strategy and time frames that comes with Public Relations, which ultimately make timeliness our cooperative forte.

In these training, Clients explore the process of campaign planning and timing to ensure best possible coverage by media houses. They will also understand how to extend a campaign to offer additional media mileage, as well as how to determine whether a particular event or activity will have media value.

More importantly, Clients will come to learn about the time frames in which media houses use with respect to processing information; consequently ensuring the timely management of the process can take place. In training sessions such as these, Clients are also exposed to writing Press Release. The session focuses on writing strong, relevant press releases that will get noticed. It is important to be as accurate and detailed as possible when supplying information to the media, as well as to craft a single clear message that one wishes to convey.

Surely, it isn’t for them to write their own releases – then why would they hire PR agencies? Not only does this session help them with their own work in terms of managing information, but they will also understand what goes into a Press Release. As a result, they provide the Agency with accurate information promptly, which helps with their own progression thereafter.
1 Mont Kiara, Citta Mall, Klang Parade
1 Mont Kiara, Citta Mall, Klang Parade
Ipoh Parade

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