The Expertise Economy It is the responsibility of every organisation to find ways to constantly and consistently improve their team’...
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Modern Workplace Learning | Building a Culture for Personal & Professional Growth Commentary by Craig J Selby Regardless of where...
Reimagining The Public Relations Classroom Commentary by Craig J Selby As a seasoned practitioner, lecturer and trainer, it’s ...
Training Clients in the Art of Public Relations When it comes to Public Relations, effective communication is key. While it may seem e...
Blast from the Past - Taylor’s University - Training the PR Department Educational public relations is a management function that if e...
Inculcating the Crisis-Ready Mindset Business leaders hope never to face a crisis. It can affect their brand, their credibility, and er...
Blast from the Past: MUMO Rebranding Back in 2010, Miss Universe Malaysia Organisation (MUMO) had a bit of an image complicatio...
Are you a Dirty Consultant? She was! Source - Are you a dirty consultant? She was. When she was the consu...
Is OER Disrupting the Traditional Textbook Marketplace? All industries are affected by change. The extent of which may not be immediat...